Sunday 23 February 2014

SIG - Performing Arts Faculty - TASK 4C


As I am currently working in a school already I thought I would use this to my advantage and use the faculty I work with to create a SIG.

We are all dedicated to our subjects, work really well together but have different thoughts on the questions that I wanted to purpose to them.

Currently their are 4 teachers in the faculty - Myself who teaches Dance and Drama, N. Haynes who is Head of Dance, B. Mason who is acting Head of Faculty and Head of Drama and M. Lewis who is Head of Music. We are all specialists in the areas we teach.

I was stuck on what really to ask the SIG I didn't really want to go the obvious route but was struggling with my questions I come up with 5 decent enquiry questions which I thought I could develop after. I really wanted to cause a debate between the departments.

The questions I proposed to the SIG:

 1. How do we as women practitioners influence boys attainment in KS4 and 5  within the performing arts?

2. Is Performing Arts considered an inspirational and important subject with the educational system?

3. How can we as performing arts practitioners influence and motivate the culture of youth society today?

4. Can we use cross curricular to encourage Performing Arts within the education system?

5. Is performing arts taken seriously within our school life?

I purposed these questions to the group by email and asked that they came with some answers already and that I wanted a debate to arise as I know that each of them have completely different views on all areas.

We have a fortnightly Faculty meeting so I asked if I could film them answering these questions.

So I filmed them with these questions and I will update the video and review the outcome from this tomorrow keep watching to find out the verdict!!

It would be great to also start a SIG group on these BLOGS would anyone like to answer the questions  I have purposed I would really like to hear your thoughts on these questions.

Hope to hear from you soon

Thanks for reading Geri


  1. Hey Geri, you have some really interesting questions and I think answering them and researching them will really help you in your teaching career.
    I would definitely like to join your SIG on the blogs.
    1. I think some boys are interested in performing arts but it is a select few. Some may be interested but not want to show interest in case they seem uncool. I think is why street dance is bcomming more popular in school clubs because it is"cooler" than a contemporary or ballet class. This is a very hard question because it can depend on many things. One big one is whether bullying is high in your class. I think the teacher also needs to be respected highly from the student in order for them to try hard for the teacher in her class.

    2. I personally do not think performing arts is considered a subject. I personally do but I think that the government and highly educated people do not appreciate it as much as they should. Even though they probably enjoy going to the theatre and without theatre training they would not be able to enjoy it. I do think that recently it is becoming recognised more as a subject in schools as more places are offering a level, gcses and Btec dance but only because there is a demand for students wanting to do it.

    3. I think to influence students in our classes we need to be good at what we are trying to teach. A student is much more motivated if they have respect and look up to their teacher as a type of idol. Knowing about our industry and passing on this passion is great.

    4. I think we can use cross curricular to make performing arts better and more interesting. It helps people with music because of the rhythms, also in maths if we count with them and also in physical education because we can teach them about the body and the body part, muscles and bones. If we study ballet it can help you with your French and possibly Russian.

    5. In our school life I think performing arts is taken seriously but only in certain situations. In primary school we always had a nativity play and plays, these are all performing arts. In secondary school we has choirs, orchestras and musicals. I do think that people do these because they enjoy them and don't always think a career can be possible to carry on doing these things.

    All your questions are very interesting and can give you many different answers. I actually found them quite hard to answer when I thought about them properly. Hope this helps you .

    Ruth xxx

  2. Ruth Thank you so much for your comments if you could how would you re structure the First question about the boys??

    I would really like to research this area I think this would help my school and me in my career??

    I am going to look at your blog now!! We can create our own little SIG lol!!

    Thanks Geri xx
