Wednesday 26 March 2014

Campus Session 3 - Knowledge

This Campus session was based on knowledge and what we know and what we want to know form our inquiry's....

Paula started with a summary of the previous sessions so far:

Campus session 1 based on love and finding knowledge through researching a topic.

Campus session 2 based on Philosophy, constructivism, Dewey and different points of view

Campus 3 is going to be based on Knowledge situated as a individual.

Paula asked us all the question what do you know....

Well I thought this is quite hard to digest what do I know about what I asked myself as to me I know a lot about my profession as I have been perfecting my skill for years but if you asked me about science I could tell you very little what I knew.

We then took down to our inquiries.

My inquiry is based on boy’s motivational barriers and how we can break them.

What I know is that the boys are all engaged from KS3 7-9

But what I want to know is that why after KS3 the boys barriers are against us in the uptake of KS4.

So what I want to know is what are the barriers.

Then Paula went on to discuss why we have looked at these certain topics over the 3 Campus sessions:

Love - Finding the knowledge through searching

Alan’s Lecture - Explaining and repeating to tell other people from your postionality

Knowledge - Using the knowledge to inform our practise and making it better.

We all know a lot on this course as we have been studying our art forms for years and some of us working professionally for a long time maybe performance or Teaching. That we all use the same framework but we are using all different subject areas to deliver this.

Then we went on to discuss what areas of knowledge do we use in the BAPP arts here are some of the facts we come up with:

  1. Arts, creative, cultural
  2. Social, science inquiry tools
  3. Trans-disciplinarily

So looking at point 2 we socially - educating/ learning theories practise for a framework. Science we research practitioners.

Point 3 We are crossing from 2 different areas always from professional practise and teaching.

Some quotes from yesterday which I found really interesting:

Lyotard (1984) Knowledge is narrative and per formative - only thee of the time being

I think what he was trying to say here is that time is value free. Time is of the essence.

Foucault ( 1972) treated knowledge as discourse ideological - that which is accepted as time usually discourse of the powerful.

We then looked at a Body of Knowledge and Paula wanted us to do our own drawings of what we thought our Body of knowledge was. I wont show you my picture as I am not an artist but there were some really interesting ideas if you wasnt there yesterday have ago draw yourself a picture of a body and then write or anatayte around it what you think you know as a person.

At first I found this really hard but when you get going it becomes much easier and you can't stop writing you as a person actually knows so much.

Then we had a little task of what we know for our inquiry and what we want to know from our inquiry this has actually really helped me put into 3 stages of what I want to find out from my inquiry.

What I know:

1. Know where I am going with my inquiry

2. Know that there are barriers for boys.

3. I know that I am clear on my teaching and motivation

What I want to know:

1. Want to find out literature on boys motivation

2. I want to know what the boys barriers actually are.

3. I want to know what the boys think is motivating and good teaching.

This has helped me set out more objectives and aims for my inquiry.

We summarised by looking at Recognition of learning:

Module 1 Networking: Dynamic, Contextual, New Ideas.

Module 2 Planning: Rehearsal for stage, plan for change within and after inquiry

Module 3 doing the inquiry: Stage time experience, knowledge and a final applause.

I hope this blog helps anyone that wasn’t there yesterday on the Campus session if you can get to these sessions they are such great help to me.

Thanks for the read


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