Friday, 7 March 2014

TASK 5A - Ethical considerations

The Ethical professional practise I need to consider in my work place is students safety and safeguarding first. Student and Teacher relationships, making sure as a teacher you protect yourself from social networking. I know being a young teacher students want to be friends with you as they see this as being maybe 'cool'. But you need to have a respect with them that yes they can tell you anything but anything they do say that could put anyone or them in harm you will take it to the right person. you being a Role Model that they look up to you. Which takes me on to my next aspect the professional person and teacher you want to be. How would you like to portray yourself to other teachers, students and parents. At school you need to make sure you are clean and your hair is clean this seems silly to talk about this but being a Role Model in everyway. Making sure we protect ourselves from inappropriate comments. Being aware of what we wear especially that I am teaching 3 subjects at the moment I am finding this really hard to look professional in 3 areas it would be nice if I had a uniform ( this is something we are changing for next year), making sure you are not wearing revealing clothing, tattoos are not on displayed and piercings are covered or out. Students will want to be like you and will want to copy what you are doing. When I am taking a dance class if I have asked the students to wear a type of footwear that I am doing this making sure my hair is up out of my face. Being prepared for all occasions of lessons.

I really think I have touched base on all codes of conduct in the above paragraph. I think for me its reflecting now on the code of conduct that is in my school which is the safeguarding policy. I know this is in place all teachers who have any contact with students must have this we train all together at my school we have 3 teachers who we need to go to and speak to about these situations that might arise. Safeguarding in my lessons is extremely important making sure that those students feel safe as well as feeling safe to change in their areas as well as feeling safe to perform in that environment and that is down to me as a teacher. Making sure they know they can make mistakes that's what rehearsals are for and being able to perform with their best ability and not feel scrutinised.

I think that this really connects to my inquiry questions why? I want boys to feel comfortable in my lesson be able to feel safe. In year 7 I feel the boys are much more confident but by the end of year 8 certain boys start to feel very body conscious especially in dance it is my job to monitor this making sure boys are allowed to work in a safe environment feeling comfortable where they are changing and be able to make mistakes. I also think this could be one of the reasons for the less uptake in KS4/5 the fact that are dancing with girls maybe struggle to make communication with them, changing and feeling body conscious by that point in school life.

What do you think of this ethical considerations??


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