Wednesday 20 November 2013

Extended Questions for Lines of inquiry - Task 2D

So when reading into the Line of Enquiry deeper I saw the extended questions we needed to develop and ask ourselves. I have come up with these lines of inquiry questions to put forward:

1. Do we have a Role Models as adults?
2.Do children of today have aspirations/role models?
3. Is admiration a quality we aspire to have? why?
4. Should we aspire to be like our Role Models?

Please feel free to comment on any of the questions and let me know your thoughts.

Hope to hear from you soon



  1. I think it's important to have role models to look up to. They give you drive to aspire and live your dream. In my opinion they encourage you to never give up!

    When I was younger I looked up to many adults especially tutors at college, they made me the teacher I am today.

    My parents have been great role models. They have always believed in me and supported me through all my professional singing and life experiences. They have taught me the morals of life and a saying my dad always says; "things will all work out in the end".

    Teaching children of today's society I feel the respect for authority has become less important. Things that anger me about pupils of today are rudeness, bad attitude and lack of manners! As the saying goes;
    " Manners cost nothing, but ignorance will cost you everything". I'm lucky working with 5 year olds we can nip it in the bud and teach them to respect teachers and peers, by modelling good manners and behaviour.

    Within your questions when you say 'Role Models' are you referring to people within the performing arts industry? or people of day to day life? Maybe think about what prevents children having aspirations? You can also consider the community/society the child is brought up in does this influence if they have more aspirations or less aspirations? lots of role models? or lack of role models?

    1. Hi Natalie

      Thanks for answering my questions it's great to get some thoughts from another student it actually shows that we are on the same wave length.

      I feel that I am now developing my questioning skills how do you feel your questioning is coming along??

