Wednesday 27 November 2013

Task 3A - Ethical - Relating to moral principle or the branch of knowledge

I decided to Mind map what current networks I used I then looked into how these have developed or how much I value them for my professional development.

This is what my Mind Map looked like please excuse my writing and how messy it is, it was just how to get my thoughts down on paper please see the link below:

So the Networks I am currently using:

  • CDTA - This is a professional network that I use for the school this is a Dance committee that has been set up by the Hertfordshire Dance teachers. This network I value greatly it helped me incredibly when I first started as an unqualified teacher at school. The network allows me to develop as a professional and also allows me to use recourses. To use this and capitalise it more I think we should meet on a regular basis and be able to have more time to use our time to develop choreography.

  • FACULTY MEETING - This is a professional Network that is set up at school by my Head of Faculty I use this time to develop my learning and teaching. This Network is very institutionalised as its run by school we have to meet on a certain day, certain time its very regimented and we have to keep to an agenda. I feel this would work better and as teacher we would value this network more if we could involve some of our own ideas into our department meetings instead of being told by SLT what we needed to talk about and discuss. To use and capitalise on this time more I would like for us to network as performing arts teachers more,look at each others recourses discuss them try and link them at the same time for example having my music dance and drama looking at the same Scheme of work at the same time. This I am going to suggest next meeting and see if we can include this keep you eyes posted for an update.

  • FACEBOOK/TWITTER- This is a network but its not really professional more social for me. To capitalise and value this more I would like to make it more of a professional network I looked at how to do this and I decided that I could create a Teacher network for the school so we could communicate outside school in our private group. I was also thinking not just for my network at school but for different practitioners around the UK to be able to communicate together share ideas and even maybe meet once every 2-3 months to share recourses Schemes of work. I am also going to publish my Blog link on here start to promote it the blog more I feel I would get more feedback doing it this way. As a teacher you do have to be incredibly careful with Facebook and Twitter and any other social networking site. The students are so clever now and get some how on to your pages you juts need to make sure everything is private.

  • CAMPUS SESSIONS- This Professional Network place is where I value everyone's opinions, judgements different walks of the Performing arts world and everyone is now in the same boat we have come from so many different places but actually all ended up on this course which is actually a wonderful thing. I feel that I can get so much inspiration and motivation from so many different people on this course just a great asset to have. To capitalise on this more I would like to have more contact with students on the course I feel we should create a Facebook group just for Module 1 students so we can ask questions to each other. This would be much easier than doing it through the blog and actually a much better way of keep connected and we would still be doing this professionally as we could have the Facebook group a closed private group.  I would like to have more Campus sessions for me I learn from being there and doing I would like us to have some more time.

  • BLOGGER - This Professional Network for me has been hardest to get my head around I feel that I have learnt to deal with it and use it to the best of my advantage. It took me 2 weeks to set up an account and I really didn't understand what I was doing. Actually now I feel quite confident with it. I value this system and network so much it actually makes me every night look on other students blogs and read what they are doing what tasks are they on. Do they like the same things as me, are they interested in the same stuff. Who is working in a school unqualified to. Its great to meet people who are on the course but you never seem them as they are working. The blogger lets you be apart of a Professional Network without coming to the sessions. To make this Network more efficient and effective I would like to advertise this on my Facebook and Twitter pages just as I have current professionals and practitioners that would comment on my blog and other blogs if they new about this. Also was trying to introduce the Blogger to the school system at school. We could have our own professional network and also allow the students to have blogs so they could upload homework and even we as teachers could see this comment on it and give them ideas to make it better. In a class or Home environment.

To conclude on task 3A without Professional Networks we would be lost as professionals practitioners. There would be no where to communicate, no time to share ideas and develop ourselves as a outstanding practitioner.

Thanks for reading Geri

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